
HP Relief Loose Ring Bit with Sleeves & Lozenge

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The HP Relief Oblique Lozenge Collection is an innovative range of bits, designed by John O’Leary of Horseproblems Australia in conjunction with Linda O’Leary, winner of the 'South Australian FEI Dressage Rider' and also 'Dressage Horse of the Year 2015'.

The HP Oblique lozenge does not have the major design flaw of the French Link and other cheap lozenge bits. The French Link and many lozenge bits have two protruding semicircles at 90 degrees to the flat side of the link or lozenge, which put painful pressure points on the mouth when a contact is taken—this often causes evasions. The HP Lozenge is like the Neue Schule bits in that the semicircles lie flat in the same plane as the lozenge, not at 90 degrees to it.

You will not believe the difference that these bits make to your horse’s response to the rein aids—even if you currently ride in a Myler or a lozenge.

The HP sleeves totally eliminate the risk of pinching the horses lips between the mouthpiece and rings, and removes the need for rubber bit guards that irritate horses.


  • The HP Relief Lozenge is anatomically designed for both comfort and communication and it helps to develop a true contact and higher level of responsiveness.
  • The Lozenge centre eliminates the harsh nutcracker action;
  • Ergonomically designed curve for improved fit and comfort to the horse;
  • Smaller diameter metal to ensure maximum comfort to the horses tongue and palette, and enable the horse to seal its mouth and swallow;
  • The HP Lozenge is ideal horses with thick tongues and low palates that simply don’t have room in their mouths for any bit wider than 12mm. Unfortunately, nearly all bits start at 14mm diameter and are too thick for them.
  • Promote a softer more consistent contact, encouraging the horse to soften through the jaw relaxing and lengthening the neck.;
  • The design also stops the rings from completely opening outwards or inwards, adding stablility and less play than a regular loose ring.

The small rings are 60mm in diameter and available in 4.0", 4.25", and 4.5" bits. The standard rings are 75mm.

For the barrel version of this bit, go here.



HP Relief Sleeved Bit (with small rings): I must give you an update! The bit from you for our pony is amazing!!! No pinching!
Sarah, Upper Hutt


Today, I use the HP Relief Sleeved bit, for the third day, and went hunting, where my horse normally pulls for an hour & the old brake system used to fail when asked... not today! To fully test the new bit, I did not wear a noseband & got numerous comments about being "undressed"!
I was on a virtual loose rein the whole four hours, was able to jump without any fighting or rushing at the few jumps & watched whilst others were struggling with a variety of gag's & nosebands with cranks & flashes...
I can't thank you enough to introduce me to the HP Lip Relief Sleeved bit. My horse says a huge THANK YOU... so happy to have met you and ask you for your advice... Our flat & jump lesson yesterday was the best ever - jumping on a loose rein w/o the normal fight or rubbish paces.. freedom at last."
