
The Complete Training of Leg Restraints of the Horse


This is a two-disc DVD set from John O'Leary, who put this training back on the map after the pentacostal NH revolution.
Disc 1 takes you through every single type of equipment. Disc 2 through all of the uses to assist problem horses and many of the behavioral problems known.
The Power of leg restraints training has at least 30 flow on benefits to the future of the Horse!

Duration: 4hrs 44mins


Click on this link to preview & purchase the online version directly from Vimeo:


Hi Mr. HP,

Just wanted to drop you an email to say thank you for putting all the time and effort into making your DVDs and sharing them with the world. They saved the life of a month-old foal on Tuesday. The foal was halter-broke using your system and was hobble trained (following your leg restraints DVD system) by the time it was a week and a half old (front and back hobbles)… And we’ve never been more grateful that he was trained to really give to pressure so early! On Tuesday he got hung up on the fence; we suspect he reared up and somehow went halfway over, then got his frontlegs pinched/twisted in the two top strands… he hanged there for what must have been about 5 minutes before someone spotted him… no panic. None. No tearing, no ripping, no nothing. It is unbelievable. He’s got a couple of small scuff marks from where he hit himself against a dropper on his way down the other side of the fence, but no wire cuts… And he was twisted up in the fence good and proper – the line had to be cut off him. He didn’t pull or panic so he got no serious injuries.

If this foal had not been taught to accept leg restraints and to give to pressure – I am 100% sure that he would’ve severed his tendons and ripped all the skin from his lower legs. Most probably ended up euthanised.

In my opinion, it should be deemed negligent of any foal owner NOT to train their youngsters to leg restraints.

Thank you for your DVD. I will use it on every horse I own in the future and will highly recommend it to any and every horse owner across the world. It really does save lives.