
The O'Leary Windsucking Collar

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Invented in 1975 by Horsemen for Horses

Made from quality leather with high density neoprene beneath kid leather for comfort. The most comfortable and humane collar that comes into action when the horse is actively trying to windsuck. Sits around the neck behind the jaw. Simple design and fully adjustable. Will last forever and keep its shape—beware of synthetic imitations!

They are a fav in Hong Kong for the Race Horses.

  • The O'Leary Windsucking and Cribbing Collar should be adjusted up nice and flush with not a lot of room but not being unfair.

  • Remember, ALL windsucking collars loosen when horses put their head down to eat or drink, so try to feed from the floor and not from a net.

  • There have been 3 unsatisfied customers in 6,000 worldwide sales and they were only from rubbing the neck issues and then the design was modified and incorporated padded kid leather which has solved that slight problem.

  • Oil Well to protect from weather and keep nice for your Horse

  • A major saddlery chain has tried to copy our Windsucking Collar, made changes and it rubs Horses necks. The Miracle Collar has now been proved to not work adequately. Due to the continual copying of HP Saddlery innovations, we avoid publishing photos of it.


What Causes Windsucking?

Windsucking is generally caused by stabling horses for too long and creating boredom. Boredom causes stress which can create excess stomach acid to be produced This often causes ulcers, which can lead to cribbing and windsucking. Once a horse has learned to windsuck, it is a very difficult habit to break, but it must be addressed as it can be fatal if Colic results from it. In any case, your horse will lose weight as a result. Flexing the muscles in their neck causes increased tension in the neck and extending down to the shoulders causing muscular issues.

Horses don't windsuck just for the entertainment but because it also creates a lot of saliva, which is alkaline and reduces the acidity in the stomach, making the horse feel better.

Horses can also copy other horses who crib. The photo shows a foal copying windsucking with her mother. That foal will windsuck for life.

Hard feed, containing cereals and feeds containing mollases, create stomach acid, making ulcers worse and therefore also make windsucking and cribbing worse.

The O'Leary cribbing collar makes this windsucking action uncomfortable for the horse. It also saves your horses teeth (they can wear them down to nubs from doing this and then can not longer eat and chew correctly), and stops him from sucking air into his gut, which can lead to colic.

It is only fair, that if you need to use the O'Leary Windsucking Collar, that you also change your horse management as follows:

  • Try to increase turnout time for the horse, even if turnout is in an outside yard or arena.
  • Change your feeding regime to one which includes ad-lib forage, to prevent boredom. If your horse is a good doer, change the forage to one of lower energy.
  • YOU MUST Feed from the floor. NO HAYNETS!
  • Change your hard feed to one that does not contain cereals or mollases.
  • I also find that adding 70g of Limestone Flour/day, split into each feed, helps enormously to reduce stomach acid.
  • Turn out with another horse and provide a toy for them to play with. An old plastic trug is ideal—they will soon be playing 'Tug of War'.
  • Increase the time that you excersise and/or work your horse, including ground work. Give him something to think about.
  • Get your horse scoped for ulcers and treat accordingly, under Veterinary supervision.

Available in Full or Cob sizing. Brown only.

Cob 59–80cm
Full 70–91cm

Measure your horse around the neck behind the jaw and go for the size closest to the minimum above.

SOLD 6,000 worldwide—three questionable results.

Money back guarantee. If it doesn't work, return it for a full refund.



Hi, Just wanted to let you know my collar arrived and has been absolutely life changing!! This horse was almost getting to the stage of being a chronic windsucker any chance he got and we had tried other collars and even the shock one which was absolutely hopeless and he has not been seen to windsuck once in this collar, he tried when it was first put on and gave up immediately didn’t even get one suck in!! Thank you so much, I wish I had of come across your collar sooner!!

Rosehill Stud – Sydney



Just wanted to let you know the new collar works an absolute treat! It’s actually quite remarkable as the results were instant! My big TB is now choosing to graze, eat and socialize again over windsucking. And so happy to say, goodbye to all the fence posts AND most importantly his teeth, being destroyed. My boy is a bit grumpy and actually quite sad (as suggested may be a result). But we were at the point where his health was going downhill pretty rapidly. Thank you for this awesome product. Wanted to note too, the collar is much more humane than other windsucking collars I have tried before (no horrible sores etc) and it looks good too! Thank you again, I’m sure to buy another from you over the years and be sure to forward on my other horsey friends!
Jodie Feldtmann, Vic Aus



Wow this product is fantastic after months of trying various other gadgets that DON’T WORK on my horse. Your O’Leary Collar worked straight away. My mare is now eating her food without all this manic crib biting in between and she’s not hanging on a fence post for hours on end too. Finally after months of trying to get her to put the weight on I can see your product is going to help immensely. I’ll oil it up after the present rains we are having as you have instructed me to do.

Thanking you again,
Ann Handyside, USA


I just wanted to let you know how stoked I am with the collar! After a number of weeks , going up in tightness slowly, Nigsy horse has finally stopped .....COMPLETELY.....from wind sucking with not even a 'try' on a post He seems a much more relaxed horse now. I bought him as an 'unraced' TB but after a few weeks of having him his behaviour (windsucking BIGTIME and separation anxiety) made me think otherwise regarding his history. So Having never owned a wind sucker, I'm so glad I went straight to your site for info and invested in your collar, it has surpassed all expectations!
Many thanks!


From the Horseproblems Agent in the UK:

I had a lady ring me last week to see what our Wind Sucking collars were like, as there are no photos on website.
She retrains OTTB’s and the latest horse arrived with a Wind Sucking collar that she had not seen before. She said that she had tried all makes of collars before, on other horses, and they either did not work, or they caused sores – BUT, THIS ONE worked on ALL her horses and she did not know what make it was??? She was desperate to find one similar.
She described it to me, and it sounded like ours?? I asked her if there was a logo, but she said that it was so OLD, that the logo had worn off – all she could see was an OVAL mark!!! I sent her a photo of our logo and she replied, saying that she had looked with a magnifying glass and could see the word “AUSTRALIA” around the bottom of the logo!!! It is one of YOURS!!! – but how long ago you sold it, God knows???
Needless to say, she bought another one and is DELIGHTED, as hers is a genuine HORSEPROBLEMS AUSTRALIA one!!!



Just putting in a plug for John O'Leary's windsucking collar. Cinnamon was bought in late October and came with the "miracle" collar - which didn't work, I would look out my window and see Cinnamon sucking away, refusing to eat and stressing me out. So I bought one of John's collars and Cinnamon hasn't windsucked with it on. The change to his neck and hindquarter muscle in five months is incredible!



Dear John,

Your collar arrived last week all the way across the world to Namibia!

(And caused a lot of interest for customs! I was trying to explain what it was so they could decide how to tax it) I have finally grasped how the collar is supposed to work in terms of 'natural horsemanship' that increasing pressure slowly and with sensitivity and this in time will just make wind sucking an unpleasant thing to do.

I am so happy to tell you that I am only on day 4 of having the collar on and for 1.5 days now I have not seen him sucking once. He still goes to the pole and I can see he is thinking about it but ends up turning away or just licking the pole and then he decides to leave it! I never in anyway saw this collar as a quick fix (if there was we would not have any wind suckers in the first place!) I saw it as a weaning off process that I will take slowely and over time. But never would I have expected to see such a quick reaction to it! Day one I had it on the first hole for him to get used to it, but he still wind sucked as normal, so I put it onto hole 2. This made him think a bit and he stopped for Half a day, but carried on sucking again in the morning of day 2. I then (after asking my vet if he thinks I can still go up) put it up to hole 3. And since then I have not had one actual suck. And I have really tested him, he would suck especially after feeding and getting treats such as carrots, I give him carrots etc with the collar on and even then 'he takes the decision after going to the pole' to rather not suck!

I am beyond excited and grateful that I bought your collar, I have tried all other options and nothing worked and admit I was nervous about investing so much in a collar especially with our exchange rate. But this is turning out to be the best investment in my precious horse I have ever made! I will keep you posted and I hope that things will stay as they are. And I will keep using the collar long after he stops and will then start releasing pressure and see how he goes. Thank you!!! I am beyond grateful that I came across your collar!! All the best

Sonja (all the way from Namibia)




To John 16/2/11
Hi John, Just a note about the collar, My 12 year old black and white Paint gelding started cribbing about 2 years ago, then turned to wind sucking. It was getting so bad that he was lethargic, loosing weight and muscle mass and not socializing with the rest of the herd of 6 horses. He would even stop eating his hay to walk over to the fence and suck wind then go back to eating and return to wind sucking. In the Fall of 2012 I thought I was going to loose him, as the Canadian winter was coming and he was in poor shape. He made it through the winter with the help of Vickie Keam a Equine Therapist and pouring the feed and hi protein supplements to him. But he was still wind sucking and unusable. After doing some research I came a cross your video. I took the chance and ordered your collar. After putting it on, Justice has not sucked a fence post or cribbed once. He has made it back to the horse he was, trial riding in the Rocky Mountains and my 16 year old son is now using him in 4-H rodeos and Equine program. I highly recommend this product! Well Done John.

David Chambers Medicine Hat Alberta Canada





Thank for the fast response.

This new collar is for reserve. In case the first one breaks. I bought the first one in January of this year and it works fantastic. My horse does not windsuck at all and doesn't chew on the wood in the paddock. Wich he did before.

Another positive thing is that he does not have injures/wounds around the neck from the collar.

At the moment we're training for dressage competions, he's really doing well. His mood is much better, so working with him has become really easy.

We've come a long way, I doubt if this would have happend without the collar.

Thank you again for your fantastic product.

Greeting from the Netherlands.
Ilona van Tilborg
Nederlands Goodday



Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I purchased your collar for my 19 year old appendix mare. She has been a severe winduscker all her life. It even got to the point where she would colic once a month and she dropped weight to the point we though she was going to die. I only owned the horse for two months before I bought the collar and knew she needed some help NOW. Your collar has saved her life! She does not windsuck at all! Her weight is coming back, the colic stopped, and she seems more relaxed. It also helped us determine a new problem with her that we never would have found. She has acute arthritis and she was hiding the pain by windsucking. We can now determine where and how bad her pain is an make her more comfortable. Thanks you for your wonderful collar!

Kristal Parslow
Fish Mt Rd
Lake Pleasant, NY




OMG the best purchase I ever have made.

I bought my TB 3.5year old from a lady who sold them on from the trainer if they were no good as race horses. She never disclosed that he was a windsucker and it wasnt until a few weeks later after I got him home that I noticed he occasionaly did windsuck.

I researched windsucking and tried the KER diet which did help alleviate the problem as I pretty much kept him full of long digestive food but as soon as I turned him out to pasture a few months ago he became chronic.

You collar has stopped him in his tracks and he is now starting to put on weight and be a happier horse.

Thanks so much for an awesome product.

Greenbank, Queensland




Hi Mr HP,

Just wanted to let you know that the collar we purchased from you works a treat:)

We are very grateful to have the problem fixed with the mare and of course there will be no bad habits picked up by the foal.

Will be recommending your collar to anyone who has this problem as it is simple and effective.

We dont need to worry about malfunctions (electronically)!

Kind regards
Debra Page




Hi John,

If anyone lis ooking for a collar to help their wind sucking horse, I recommend they give your collar a go. I have had a wind sucking thoroughbred for about 3 years now; if I knew then what I know now... I have tried two or three different collars (he came with an aluminium one which broke not long after). I wasn't happy with their performance and they also rubbed him raw a few times. So we went searching the internet again looking for new options.

We came across your website and thought we would give one a go. That was a bit over 2 years ago now and your collars do the job with no rubbing and that has been through some really lousy and wet weather on the NSW coast. I don't think he will ever stop wind sucking - as soon as the collar comes off, he looks for something to suck on. But, with the collar on, no wind sucking and no problems feeding or other normal activities with the other horses in the paddock. with the collar on he feeds normally with the other horses. We finally had to replace the collar this week as the straps finally wore out. When it was time to replace the collar, we came straight back to your website.

Keep up the good work and thank you for a product that doesn't hurt the horse but stops the destructive habit while the collar is on.

Robert Harris
Telegraph Point, NSW



A Major Saddlery Chain has tried to copy this, made changes and it rubs Horses necks!!!

The Miricle Collar has now been proved to not work adequately.

Just upgraded but I am not divulging how. :) 6/5/09
Upgraded again 20/10/10




Hi John, 6/3/11
Just wanted to say thank you again for donating your windsucking collar to Grace. She is doing MUCH better. I put it on loosely to begin with and did it up a hole at a time so she could process what was going on and give her body a chance to wean off the endorphins. Now she's on the tightest hole I could go and doing really well. She seems happy for the first time since she's been here and it's like she's suddenly rediscovered the joy of food! She's finally stacking on weight and everything is looking really good.
Thanks so much.
Jo :)

Joanne Schoenwald
President/Founder, Charlie's Angels Horse Rescue Inc.





I would just like to drop you a line to let you know how happy I am with my  O’Leary Windsucking Collar. I have tried every other collar on the market as well as all of the systemic options on my horse Macushla an ex- racehorse, now eventer. They worked for a short time and stretched (in the case of the Miracle Collar, so that it no longer sat in the correct position around the ears and consequently caused rubbing and great discomfort. Other collars just caused rubbing after a short while. I have been using the O’Leary for several weeks now and my horse is not even bothering to try sucking and has gained a lot of weight, (although he was always in good condition with a lot of effort involved) and lost that ribby look that suckers have. He finishes a meal and then goes straight out to graze. What a relief. There is no rubbing and I now do not feel like the meanest person on Earth.

Thank you so much.

Debra Townsend
Quality management systems Consultant


Many Thanks Debra. It is amazing but do you know that I rarely get feedback that they work. I know they do and they must be with the vast majority because People soon complain these Days so thanks heaps for taking the time. I have just upgraded them (like everything...I am compulsive) Happy Horse and that is what makes Life worth it. I'll tell Michael when I see him soon.






Dear John,

First off, let me send my warmest wishes to Mrs HP, what a trooper! Hopefully she is back home soon and on the steady path to recovery!

I just wanted to send you an email thanking you for the WONDERFUL windsuck collar. I have tried everything to keep weight on my 10 yr old Tb (of course you already knew the breed, didn’t you :p ), and winter especially has been tough on him. He just wouldn’t eat! Sucking on his posts was much more important. Prior to your collar we had tried the regular metal ones (he worked out how to keep doing it and broke one clean in half), the miracle collar, which left bare, raw patches on him, sprays, electricity (he’d just find something else) and even spreading his own manure on top of the posts! Nothing worked, but I was scared to try the shock collars as he is kept in a pasture, and I had horrible images of him being zapped for hours if it malfunctioned!

His vet that first treated him post-racing injury (5 yrs ago) told me of this amazing collar he had gotten from an ‘old bush horseman’, which was more like a dog collar, had 2 buckles and was GUARANTEED to work. He told me any saddler could make one. Well, having never seen one myself, I tried several good saddlers, but they all recommended the miracle collar... So you can imagine my excitement to find them on your site!

My boy has been wearing it now basically 24/7, it only comes off for grooming/riding etc, and has been through 1 full winter. He came through winter looking amazing! Excellent weight, on nothing other than constant access to grass hay, poor pasture and hard feeds only after work. He is now the best he has looked in 5 years, but is eating the least I have ever fed him in that time! This is also the first colic free winter we have had J Best of all, there are no sores or bare patches, the leather is still soft (even after LOTS of mud rolls), and I can foresee many good years of use!

I can’t thank you enough for making my horse a joy to have, instead of a constant heartache, and I’d recommend these collars to anyone!

Sarah & Master Chief




Hi John,

Just wanted to send you some feedback on the wind sucking collar I bought from you.
Caesar is a 16.3hh 14 Y/O OTTTB that I brought home this time last year; wonderful nature but as a result of a racing career, was a chronic windsucker.
I was using one of those typical collars that you can pick up from any old saddlery which was more like an ornament than a preventative for his problem; basically it did nothing and in no time at all my fences were a mess.
Sucking was the first and last thing on C’s mind - if he was stressed he would suck, if he was waiting for his dinner he would suck, if he was in between munching hay, he would suck. It was a real mental problem for him that had manifested into a physiological behavior, and it drove us both nuts.
I read about your new collar on your website, and the rest is history!
Caesar has been wearing his collar for about a year now; it only took two (2) or three (3) attempts to suck with the collar on before he gave up and walked away; sucking is impossible with this collar, it stopped immediately.
The transformation over the past year has been amazing; Caesar has gone from a horse whose only interest was to suck (and as a result withdrawn from the herd and us) to a horse that has a new lease on life. He now initiates play with the youngsters and seeks out people for a scratch and a carrot as opposed to latching onto something/anything and sucking.
The collar itself has stood up to it all; wind, rain, heat etc.. It’s a beautiful piece of work that will last a lifetime.
Anyone that owns a windsucker should have this collar.
Pic to follow; I’ll take some happy snaps tonight!

Joyce "






Hi John,

Hope Linda continues to improve and has no further set backs.
I wanted to thank you for the Windsucking collar I purchased around a month ago... It has made a big difference for my gelding and he now only licks the fence and (attempts) windsucks for short amounts of time and increasingly less often as each week goes by. He is more settled and is doing much better in his training too. :-)







Great collar. Works perfectly on my 12.2 pony. We have used the nutcracker and the miracle to no avail. The only other one that worked was the barclays but that didn't last long. Great product. Very happy.
Jackie Forrester